Feb 05, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog 
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Missed Examinations Policy

Final Examinations/Projects/Presentations

It is the policy of LIM College that all final examinations or projects or presentations be given on their scheduled examination day. No final examination or project or presentation will be given early (before the official examination or project or presentation date during final examinations week). Students who miss examinations or projects or presentations will receive an F for that portion of their grade, unless otherwise noted on the course syllabus.

Make-up examinations or projects or presentations are for students who miss a final examination or project or presentation due to a documented extreme emergency (hospitalization, death of immediate family member, religious observation). In such cases the student needs to contact the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to discuss a make-up.

Other Examinations/Projects/Presentations

In several courses/sections make-up examinations or projects or presentations are not given. Students in a course/section which allows for make-ups should refer to their syllabus regarding the policies and procedures for requesting a make-up exam or project or presentation.

Permission to take a make-up quiz or project submission or presentation or midterm examination may be given by the professor. In this case, permission will be subject to the same standard as is applied for final examinations or projects or presentations. If a student misses a quiz or test or examination or project or presentation, they must notify their professor within 24 hours to request a make-up. The date/time and location of the make-up are at the discretion of the professor. It is the student’s responsibility to make themselves available for the make-up. There are no second make-ups, and failure to take a make-up will result in a zero grade for the quiz, test or examination or project or presentation.