LIM College does not tolerate any act of academic dishonesty, intentional or unintentional. A student who is involved in an academic dishonesty incident is subject to a range of sanctions including but not limited to a failing grade for the assignment or exam, a failing grade for the course, suspension, and expulsion. Any infractions of the academic integrity policy will also result in lost eligibility for any graduation honors or awards.
Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following.
Plagiarism refers to representing words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise without providing proper documentation of source.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
• Copying information from a source without using quotation marks and giving proper citation
• Paraphrasing information from a source without giving proper citation
• Representing another’s intellectual work as one’s own, including but not limited to, audio-visual and computer-based materials, slide presentations, computer files, artistic compositions, graphic design, photographs, paintings, and/or drawings
It is the responsibility of the student to learn the correct APA method of documenting sources, which allows the incorporation of the works of others into papers, reports, and assignments. This information is available from the Adrian G. Marcuse Library and the Writing Center.
Facilitation refers to assisting any person in the commission of an academic integrity violation. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Allowing another student to copy one’s answers during an examination
- Giving another student one’s assignment or paper
- Taking an examination or writing a paper for another student
- Signing an attendance sheet for a student who was not present in class
- Providing to another person an examination or portions of an examination prior or subsequent to the administration of the exam
Cheating refers to intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Copying from another student’s examination, homework assignment, computer program, report, or project
- Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to examination materials
- Looking at another student’s exam before or during an examination
- Possessing and/or using an electronic device that contains unauthorized information
- Talking, whispering, or using a cell phone during an examination
- Submitting, without prior permission, any work submitted to fulfill another academic requirement at LIM College or any other institution
- Allowing another person to do one’s work and submitting it as one’s own
- Having or providing unauthorized outside help when completing online tests or assignments
Unauthorized Collaboration
Unauthorized collaboration is working with another student(s) without the instructor’s permission in the preparation of homework assignments, take-home exams, term papers, research projects, reports, or projects, or otherwise failing to abide by the instructor’s rules governing the academic exercise.
Fabrication and Misrepresentation
Fabrication refers to the falsification, misrepresentation or invention of any information, data, or citation in any academic exercise. Misrepresentation refers to misrepresenting or tampering with or attempting to tamper with any portion of one’s transcripts or academic record, either before or after coming to LIM College. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Forging a change of grade form
- Tampering with computer records
- Falsifying or omitting academic information on an application or resume
Special Note - Online Plagiarism: At LIM College, significant effort is made to maintain the integrity of online work including but not limited to exams, projects, and papers. Your online work must be your own and the following rules must be followed.
- Use of textbooks or class notes is not allowed unless the professor explicitly identifies the exam as open book or open notes.
- In certain instances a professor may allow students to use websites, books, or publications to complete or support all or part of an exam. In these instances, students must properly cite their sources in their answers.
- Unless allowed by the professor and clearly stated in the exam or project instructions, collaborating with other students on an online exam or project is strictly forbidden.
- Using a surrogate to complete online work such as papers and exams is strictly forbidden.
It is the instructor’s prerogative to evaluate student work and assign grades in accordance with his or her academic and professional judgment, as well as the Academic Integrity Policy.
An instructor who determines a student has committed academic dishonesty in the instructor’s course, will notify the student as to the nature of the violation and resulting sanctions. This notice to the student must be made in writing. All cases of academic dishonesty, including sanctions, will be reported to the department chair and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
Students found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy are subject to sanctions that can include but are not limited to: a failing grade on an assignment or exam; a failing grade in the course; loss of academic privileges such as study abroad or internship opportunities; and suspension or expulsion from LIM College.
In cases in which suspension or expulsion from LIM College is the recommended sanction, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will refer the matter to the Academic Integrity Review Committee, which consists of three faculty members. The student and the instructor will be given the opportunity to present all relevant information to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs who will provide that information to the committee. The committee’s proceedings are confidential.
All decisions rendered by the Academic Integrity Review Committee will be made in writing to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, who will inform the student in writing as to the committee’s decision. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will also notify the instructor. Any relevant grade changes will be made by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in conjunction with the LIM College Registrar.
Students found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy may file an appeal with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The appeal must be made in writing using LIM College e-mail within 10 days of receiving notice of the violation and any related sanctions. Appeals can only be made on one or both of the following grounds:
- The student can provide support to show the student was denied the opportunity to present relevant information in support of the student’s position.
- The student can provide support to show that there is a flagrant discrepancy between the violation and the sanctions.
The appeal must include the ground(s) for the appeal and any supporting materials.
The decision made by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is final and there are no further options for appeal.
In cases where the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is the instructor who initially found the student in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, the Dean of Academic Affairs will facilitate the above procedures. In cases where the Dean of Academic Affairs is the instructor who initially found the student in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, the Provost & Executive Vice President will facilitate the above procedures.
The one exception to the above procedures is in cases where a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty outside of a specific course (e.g., submitted false information on an admissions’ application). Such cases will be brought to the attention of the Dean of Student Affairs, who will adjudicate the matter under the procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, including the appeal procedures listed in the Student Code of Conduct.
If a student is found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, previous violations by the same student of the Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Code of Conduct, will be considered in determining relevant sanctions.